Shipping & Delivery
- Most products carried are in stock and ready to ship but we advise our customers to kindly inquire about your required quantity and product status for the ease in shipping.
- All orders are carefully inspected prior to shipment; upon receipt, please inspect your purchase and notify us of any broken or missing parts are noticed via email with pictures within 3 days of delivery. We will arrange for a prompt replacement.
- A minimum of 10 working days is required for any order to be dispatched. Transit time would be extra and depends on the mode of shipping and logistics company.
- Minimum of 20 working days is required to manufacture and dispatch customized orders from our warehouse. Shipping time will be extra depending on the mode of transport and destination.
- No two items can be the same in finish or in design as these items are handcrafted which adds to the uniqueness of the product
- Goods once sold cannot be returned or exchanged.
- We may ship your partial order on the first shipment and backorder separately for ease. You may also instruct us if you prefer one single shipment or whatever the mode you want.
- Shipping charges are calculated only on the basis of surface/road transport
- Additional charges will be levied if the customer selects shipping charges other than surface/road transport.
- Wholesale Lights holds no responsibility for any loss or delay by the logistics company